Saturday, October 24, 2009

Autumn has arrived

PLEASE NOTE: This all happened 2 years ago, I'm simply copying it to my blog since I didn't have a blog back then.

Originally written Oct 24, 2007 05:08pm (EST)

Autumn Elizabeth Tottle was born via c-section October 21st, 2007 at 11:57 a.m.

I started bleeding on Friday and was transferred to the hospital where they have the Level III NICU. I was held in L&D until Sunday morning when the doctors and nurses suggested we get Autumn out while she was still doing well since the bleeding may be a sign of partial placental abruption. They were right, my placenta was almost 50% abrupted when they did the section. She had a very rough start but is currently doing well. It's still day by day but I just know she's going to be alright. I was discharged today and am now home. It feels so unnatural to leave the hospital without her. Will update more when I have time. This is the most surreal experience I have ever had. I don't wish this on anyone. I am so thankful that Autumn has continued to prove the doctors wrong. The neonatalogist did not think she would make it the first night but then Mon and Tues she showed significant improvements, they were shocked!! God is with her in the NICU now.



Sara@iSass said...

Praying for you and little Autumn.

April - Team Tottle said...

Thanks Sara,

I know it's confusing but this actually happened 2 years ago and I'm reposting for historical purposes and so people can read her story since I didn't have my blog back then. Autumn is now a perfectly normal and happy 2 year old with no effects from her severe prematurity. Praise the Lord!